Node.js is everywhere
Node.js Growth and Adoption
Node.js is everywhere now, it is the fastest growing
More than 400 new packages are published to npm everyday according to
Node.js has an estimated 3.5M users and is consistently growing at 100% per year, and there is no sign this is slowing down.
The new full stack
The whole stack that modern developer has to contain with. It used to be a full stack that doing Frontend and doing Backend.
Nodejs is fasticated because it has became the unified platform for web, mobile, desktop, API services, cloud computing and IoT.
1. Web Frontend Development
2. Mobile development
Apache Cordova bring web technologis (A unified platform ) for cross-platform mobile development. In their latest release, it actually bring node in thier platform.
3. Desktop development
Electron brings web and the entire node eco-system to desktop development. Now you can write a sinle application that feels good on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
Slack and Visual Studio Code are build on Electron.
4. Clound Services
Developer don't want to rack their own server.
There is no cloud. One of their top support languages is always Node.js.
5. IoT Devices
IoT development has been very difficult and with a lot of custom languages for a while.
Early on in node history, developer started to realize that Node is actually a very good fit for IoT. For a couple reason:
- We have more than 20 years experiences doing event-driven programming in JavaScript.
- The way web work is you click on things and event happens. IoT is basically that, but in real world instead of clicking button, you actually trigger a sensor.
- In the past few years, the major IoT platform makers have put node on the devices, for example Tessel 2 and Raspberry Pi
- Open the IoT world to entire
6. API
New API era
Application has been built in API.
Node platfrom
Latest Post
- Dependency injection
- Directives and Pipes
- Data binding
- HTTP Get vs. Post
- Node.js is everywhere
- MongoDB root user
- Combine JavaScript and CSS
- Inline Small JavaScript and CSS
- Minify JavaScript and CSS
- Defer Parsing of JavaScript
- Prefer Async Script Loading
- Components, Bootstrap and DOM
- What is HEAD in git?
- Show the changes in Git.
- What is AngularJS 2?
- Confidence Interval for a Population Mean
- Accuracy vs. Precision
- Sampling Distribution
- Working with the Normal Distribution
- Standardized score - Z score
- Percentile
- Evaluating the Normal Distribution
- What is Nodejs? Advantages and disadvantage?
- How do I debug Nodejs applications?
- Sync directory search using fs.readdirSync