
Classes are defined using the keyword class followed by the name of the class. The name must begin with a capital, and the convention is to use CamelCase.

To define a method, use the keyword def:

class MyClass
  @boo # an instance variable
  def my_method
    @foo = 2 # an instance variable
> mc = # create a MyClass object
> mc.my_method # => 2
> # => error


An instance variable can only be directly accessed or modified within a method definition.

class MyClass
  def boo # a getter method
    return @boo
  def boo=(val) # setter method
    @boo = val
> mc = # create a MyClass object
> boo = 1 # => 1
> boo # => 1

Notice that there is no return value specified in the methods above. Ruby methods have implicit return values – the value of the last expression executed in a method is its return value.

The return statement still exists, but you don’t need to use it.

def min(x,y)
  if x < y then x else y end

When invoking a method, parentheses are optional.

Class Methods

Class methods are created in the same way as normal methods, except they are prefixed by the keyword self.

class MyClass
  def self.cls_method
    "MyClass type"
> MyClass.cls_method # => "MyClass type"


In Ruby the last character of a method name is often used to indicate its behavior:

  • If the method ends with a question mark it indicates that the return value is boolean.
  • If the method ends with an exclamation, it indicates that the method can change the state of the object.
  • In the previous case, it is common to also provide a non-exclamation version of the method, which indicates that the modifies a copy of the object.
  • The keyword self can be used inside an object’s methods in order to refer to the current object.
  • Inheritance, Mixins and Extending Classes

    Only single inheritance is supported; however, the mixin capability associated with modules basically gives you multiple inheritance.

    Classes are never closed, you can always add methods to an existing class.

    • – This applies to the classes you write as well as the standard, built-in classes.
    • – You simply open up a class definition for an existing class, and the new contents you specify will be added to whatever’s already defined for that class.
      class Fixnum
        def previous
          return self-1

    Specifying Access

    Within a class definition you may specify access levels using the keywords public, private and protected.

    The behavior is a little different than in C++ or Java:

    • – public – no access control, can be called by anyone.
    • – protected – can be invoked only by objects of the defining class and its subclasses.
    • – private – can only be called in the context of the current object, without on object reference on the LHS, i.e, two objects of the same class cannot invoke each others private methods. Thus, the receiver of a private method is always self.

    By default, every method in a class is public, and every instance variable is protected.


    There is a shorthand way of providing accessors for an object’s attributes:

    class Person
      attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name
    will create attributes (instance variables) for first_name and last_name, as well as getter and setter methods for each.

    If you only want a getter method, use attr_reader, and if you only want a setter, use attr_writer


    The syntax for inheritance is:

    class NewClass < SuperClass

    The initialize method, which is always private, is used to create a constructor that is invoked by calling new on a class name. E.g., a =

    You can create a module with its own namespace by using the keyword module, and include a number of classes within it. You can include a module within another program by using the keywork require, e.g., require ’module_name’

    Within a class, you use the keyword include to mixin a module. This makes all of the methods defined in that module a part of the class that includes the module.