Linux Command

- Introduction to Linux
- Linux Directory
- Linux Shell
- Basic and Navigation
File system and current working directory (
) -
Home directory (
) -
List the content (
) -
Change directory (
) - Long format
Determining a file type with
- Manipulating file and directories
- Wildcards in Linux
- Copy files and directories (
) - Move/rename files and directories (
) -
Create directories
- Remove files and directories (
) - Create hard and symbolic links (
) - Connecting over the Network using SSH
Process (
) - File and Directory Permissions
- Group Permissions
- Change Permissions - chmod
- Directory permissions affect files
- File Creation Mask - umask (Default Permissions)
- Ask command for help
- Environment Variables, $PATH and which
- Working with Directory
- Display file content
- Editing file in nano
- Editing file in vi
- Editing file in emacs
- Graphical Editors
- Compare the content of files
- Difference between UNIX and Linux
- Input and Output Redirection
- Copying files over the network
- Scheduling Repeated Job - cron
- Customizing the Shell Prompt
- Finding files and directories
- Searching in files
- Shell Aliases
- Switching user
- Play with Shell History
- Installing Software using Package Manager
- Copy file without changing timestamp
Latest Post
- Dependency injection
- Directives and Pipes
- Data binding
- HTTP Get vs. Post
- Node.js is everywhere
- MongoDB root user
- Combine JavaScript and CSS
- Inline Small JavaScript and CSS
- Minify JavaScript and CSS
- Defer Parsing of JavaScript
- Prefer Async Script Loading
- Components, Bootstrap and DOM
- What is HEAD in git?
- Show the changes in Git.
- What is AngularJS 2?
- Confidence Interval for a Population Mean
- Accuracy vs. Precision
- Sampling Distribution
- Working with the Normal Distribution
- Standardized score - Z score
- Percentile
- Evaluating the Normal Distribution
- What is Nodejs? Advantages and disadvantage?
- How do I debug Nodejs applications?
- Sync directory search using fs.readdirSync