Linux Server

- Find Server Public IP address
- Install Apache on Ubuntu
- Install MySQL on Ubuntu
- Install PHP on Ubuntu
- Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu
- Manage Package in Ubuntu with Apt-Get and Apt-Cache
- Common server setups for your web application
- How to set up mod_rewrite
- How to use htaccess
- Manage packages in Ubuntu
- Security measures to protect servers
- Set up an openvpn server on Ubuntu
- Apache Error logs and Access logs
- Set up ssh keys
- SSH encryption and connection process
- Best Linux Desktop
- Unix like operating system
- Enable PHP mail() function on Ubuntu
- Find the php.ini File Location
- Major log files location in Ubuntu
- What Is The Difference Between CentOS And Ubuntu Server?
Latest Post
- Dependency injection
- Directives and Pipes
- Data binding
- HTTP Get vs. Post
- Node.js is everywhere
- MongoDB root user
- Combine JavaScript and CSS
- Inline Small JavaScript and CSS
- Minify JavaScript and CSS
- Defer Parsing of JavaScript
- Prefer Async Script Loading
- Components, Bootstrap and DOM
- What is HEAD in git?
- Show the changes in Git.
- What is AngularJS 2?
- Confidence Interval for a Population Mean
- Accuracy vs. Precision
- Sampling Distribution
- Working with the Normal Distribution
- Standardized score - Z score
- Percentile
- Evaluating the Normal Distribution
- What is Nodejs? Advantages and disadvantage?
- How do I debug Nodejs applications?
- Sync directory search using fs.readdirSync